Medicare Simplified - Independant Education For Individuals Evaluating Their Medicare Options

Personalized Service - Medicare Study with One on One Consulting

Many individuals are more comfortable with personal and professional assistance when making decisions that involve detailed and confusing material.  Evaluating Medicare coverage and rules is unlike any other healthcare program you have evaluated in the past.  Mistakes can be costly and may take years to surface.  This is why we developed our Personalized Service – Medicare Study with One on One Consulting.

A Medicare Study with one on one consulting is designed to provide you the information and assistance you need as you navigate through all your options so you can confidently choose what is best for your personal situation.

Even if you have health coverage available to you after age 65 other than Medicare (current or previous employer of yours or your spouse, a union, the Military, etc), a Medicare Study will be of value.  It is important to review all your options outside of Medicare and all your options within Medicare.  You should not assume one option is automatically your best choice.  Many individuals who have health coverage options outside of Medicare at their age 65 may find it more beneficial to enroll in Medicare.  Also, even if you determine it is in your best interest to defer enrolling in Medicare until a later date, you still need to consider many important Medicare rules to avoid costly mistakes.

We are not associated with any government agency or insurance company and we do not sell insurance – we are completely independent.  We will show you specific companies and pricing.  However, we do not have any motivation to direct you to any one product or company.  We will provide you information on what is the most appropriate for your personal situation.

The Medicare Study process includes:

  • A fact finding phone call with one of our experienced consultants to gather the information we need to prepare your Medicare Study.
  • We mail you your completed study for your review.
  • You call us to schedule a follow up phone call with your consultant to review your study and answer your questions.  More than one follow up call may be needed in some circumstances.
  • Sometimes more reports are needed based on what is discussed in the follow up call.  We will provide any additional material in a timely manner.

Your Medicare Study will include:

  • Possible Health Coverage Combinations – Overview of all your health care coverage options after 65.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan (Medigap) Study – Included is an overview of Supplement Plans, a summary of what each Plan covers, details on the more popular Supplement Plans and examples of specific premiums for the more popular Plans.
  • Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) Study – Included is an overview of the Medicare Drug Plan and specific details (including a month by month illustration of your total expenses) on the Plans that come up the best for you based on your medications.
  • Medicare Advantage Plan Study - Included are specific details (cost and coverage) on the Plans that come up the best for your personal situation.
  • Other Coverage Available - We will compare your Medicare options to any other coverage you have available after age 65 (current or previous employer of yours or your spouse, a union, the Military, etc).  If you determine coverage other than Medicare is your best option, we will review anything you need to do to avoid all penalties.

Note:  The written reports in your Medicare Study are very informative and important in assisting you with making the best decisions for your personal situation.  However, indiv

Contact Us for more information, pricing and to begin the process.

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